Dear Friends:
Can you believe that we are in 2020? We started a new year, a new decade, and new opportunities to share the Gospel worldwide via the Internet! But, before I consider this new year, I will share what the Lord has done through the ministry of Network211 in nations that are known to persecute Christians.
Recently, I was asked to create a report to show the impact of Network211 in a restricted nation. So, I found Open Door’s Watch List of Nations with Extreme Persecution of believers and compared it to Network211 all-time statistics. I discovered that, with partners like you, we have done the following in the top 20 nations on this list:
Gospel Presentations 7,229,815
Evangelism Responses 263,677
Discipleship Connections 65,618
In many of these countries, missionaries are not allowed, and believers are persecuted openly. Yet, we can respond to them as we use the Internet as a tool of the Gospel. God is not limited by politics, borders, or the desires of humanity. We know that the Lord is not willing that anyone should perish and that nothing will stop the Spirit of God moving wherever the Spirit wills!
We praise the Lord that we can present the love of Christ in the nations that need Him desperately! This should challenge and encourage us to do even more!
This leads me to consider what we might do together in 2020. The burning desire of my heart is to reach more people with the Gospel! Here are two opportunities that we must address in 2020.
First, we identified “Journey India” as a goal to develop evangelism content in Hindi, Bengali, and Tamil. We believe that to develop content, a “Landed Network” (this is a response team in country), and two years of Google Ad words it will cost a total of $150,000 for all three languages. Already, we are creating the translation for Tamil so the first step has been taken. However, we will need funding help to see this project proceed.
“Journey India” is a tremendous opportunity because the Internet in India is booming, we have strong churches in the nation, and already have our 1-2-1 Connector teams responding faithfully in English.
Second, there are current language evangelism communities that are ready to operate, however we lack the funds to purchase Google Ad to promote the sites online. Would you please consider helping us fund the following projects?
- Arabic
- Japanese
- Portuguese
- Indonesian
- Italian
The need in the nations represented by these languages is great! For example, we know that historically Japan has been closed to influences from outside their nation. As an outsider, it seems that it has been difficult to make inroads for the Gospel there. However, the Internet is booming in Japan and people are reaching out in the virtual world as global citizens. This means that we have a tremendous opportunity to share Christ, one-by-one, as individuals are seeking answers to life’s dilemmas.
We need $25,000 for each evangelism language community that I listed. This amount will fund ad words for two years, giving us the potential to reach 375,000 individuals for Jesus!
As you know for every $1 given to Network211 for evangelism, we can present the Gospel to 15 individuals around the world. So, your gift of $100 reaches 1,500 people. Your gift of $1,000 reaches 15,000 people. Please visit https://network211.com/give/ today!
Let’s work together to make 2020 an amazing year for global evangelism!
Dr. Mark Flattery
Network211 President