


Dear Friends:

Network211 created “Project 100Million” as a numerical goal of presenting the Gospel to 100 million people around the world. We rejoice that, to date, we have done so to over 36.2 million individuals and had over 1.7 million of them make an evangelism response. Today, we will highlight the third number of our three main statistics and that is over 300,000 have written to us to begin a discipleship connection.

The 300,000th individual wrote to us during the early hours of May 3, 2019. I was tracking the numbers as we approached this milestone but went to bed. As I slept, people were writing from South Africa, USA, Kenya, Cameroon, and Cote d’Ivoire. I estimate that the 300,000th comment was from a woman in the United States who wrote, “Im want to end life it’s unfair I try I can’t fight no more.” No matter where you live in the world, what your culture is, what language you speak, the matters of the heart are the same and people need help, hope, and a reason to live. The only answer is the One who is “the way, the truth, and the life” and his name is Jesus.

The statistics reveal that people are indeed searching online for answers, that there is a commonality of human nature, and that when the Holy Spirit confronts them with truth they are moved to action and will either accept or reject the message.

The top ten nations from which the Inquirers wrote are:

  1. India                      29,017
  2. Philippines           28,759
  3. Nigeria                  23,279
  4. USA                       21,548
  5. South Africa        14,416
  6. Kenya                   13,019
  7. Ghana                  12,761
  8. Columbia             8,431
  9. China                     7,715
  10. Venezuela            6,770


Let’s go a level deeper to understand more what these 300,000 individuals were thinking. We gave them the opportunity to click the appropriate box to write to us. Please note that some people wrote for reasons that applied to two of these sub-categories; they clicked “salvation” and then they asked a question, or clicked “salvation” and then submitted a prayer request. So, these are the boxes they checked as to the nature of their inquiry:


“I prayed the prayer”

Salvation                                       128,541

Recommitment                             84,764

“I have a question”                       30,229

“Prayer Request”                           52,353

“Subscription” to receive more information,  4,073

We praise the Lord that 42.8% of those who wrote to us inform us that they made a salvation decision and 28.3% recommitted their lives to Jesus Christ.

What an opportunity we have to speak Truth into their lives! They are searching for answers and, with your partnership, we are giving them Jesus! And, we take the online interactive relationship a step further by directing them to a local church, whenever possible. Thus, the motto “searches to churches” is alive and well!

We know that for every $1 given to Network211 for evangelism that we can present the Gospel to 15 individuals. It is with your prayer and financial support that we can connect with individuals from around the world who are searching for help and hope and join them on their life journey.

Interacting with over 300,000 individuals is an honor and a privilege. We can bring help and hope to those who are searching.  I close with a testimony from a woman in Jamaica, “You are the living proof he is mighty and he has not forgotten me.”



Dr. Mark Flattery President