Global Partnership
Dear Friends:
The Network211 teams loves partnership! We can go further together than if we go alone. Romans 10:13-15 provides a key passage that is a transformational soteriological strategy and one that we know well.:
“for, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'”
It continues to amaze me what we can do as believers when we keep our focus on Jesus and seek to obey all His commands. If we do, we can “proclaim the Gospel to everyone, build a global community of believers, and work with our partners in ministry.” You may recognize this because it is the Network211 vision statement. We must work together to proclaim the name of Jesus and to make disciples of all nations.
Let’s consider the strategy in the Romans passage in reverse and apply it to Network211 and highlight the wonderful partnership that the Lord created. This story has the elements of the strategy in action: send, preach, hear, believe, and call.
The story begins with you! It is because of your faithful support of Network211 that you send us to offer an online presence to present the Gospel. We preach the Good News by interacting with people at their point of inquiry.
There is a man in India who we will call, “David.” David googled his life issue and discovered JourneyAnswers ( He heard the message that Jesus loved him. He clicked the “I prayed the prayer” button and wrote, “What is mean by Christ. What’s is God. How to convert to Christianity.” Brother Noel Pentony, our Network211 Head Coach for India, responded that day. Over the course of a few months, they interacted about who Jesus is and how one can come to Christ. David was taking the journey from searching to hearing, and moving from hearing to believing.
Brother Pentony contacted Pastor Alwin Joy who lived in the same city as David. Pastor Joy visited him immediately and invited him to his church which met in his home. David found a community of faith where he belonged and believed that Christ was his Savior.
David was so much a part of the family of God that he called on God to ask what he should do next. Like Barnabas in Acts 4:36-37, David gave what he had. In this case, he donated land to the church. Presently, a new church is in process of being built. It will be from this location that God’s love will shine into a community and reap a harvest of souls. Amazing!
This story makes me smile because it is an excellent example of our Network211 motto in action: “searches to churches!” To God be the glory!
Partnership works! The characters in the story of David included you, Network211, the Network211 team in India led by Noel Pentony, Pastor Joy, and Joy’s church. Truly, it takes all of us to fulfill the task given us by God. When we are doing our part then it is the Master who makes His soteriological strategy transform lives for eternity. Thank you for your partnership! Thank you for praying and for investing! Together, we are obeying Christ’s commands and we are seeing lives come to Jesus.
When you donate in Network211, your gift is doing more than just producing a website. In fact, you are investing into a global partnership that connects God’s people around the world to produce a harvest of souls.
As an example, we can consider the site
Dr. Mark Flattery
Network211 President