

Who Jesus Is

Dear Friends:

I am thrilled to share some exciting news! Well, it may not be exciting to you until you learn the significance of the news! We just updated in English and the results are in!

“Who Jesus Is” is our most viewed site of all of our Network211 online interactive communities. The total visits to and (Who Jesus Is in Spanish) combined to present the Gospel to over 10.3 million individuals in 242 countries and territories, as tracked by Google. We praise the Lord!

In effort to continue to reach more people with the Good News and by stretching each dollar given to us for evangelism, we upgraded the “Who Jesus Is” online community in English. The results were significant and immediate.

Previously, the ad for was presented on Google’s page four or five on a Google search. Today, if you type “who Jesus is” you will find in on page one and often as the second entry! If you search “who is Jesus” it too is on page one and often as the fifth entry. Wonderful! This means that more searchers will find our online community “organically” instead of by paid advertising.

Why did this happen? First, we thank the Lord! Second, we worked diligently to improve the tech part of the site and added content. The content added was a “Questions” tab. This asked twelve questions that people ask, around the world, about Jesus. It provides an approximate 300 word answer.

Frequently, we receive written responses to Who Jesus Is from nations where one is not allowed to worship Jesus openly. They want to know Jesus! They want to respond to His love. Yet, they write that if they responded openly that they would encounter persecution to them or their family from their friends and yes, even from their own family in some cases. Our hearts cry out on their behalf. We thank the Lord that we can offer content such as and to join them in their journey.

Thank you for your partnership to answer searches such as “Who is Jesus?” and “Who Jesus is.” I remind you that for every $1 given to Network211 for evangelism, we can present connect twenty-five (25) individuals with Jesus. They learn of His love and are given opportunity to respond.

Please consider what more you might do to reach everyone, everywhere with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please visit today!



Dr. Mark Flattery

Network211 President