

Every Believer Matters!

Dear Friends:

Bezaleel, Jethro, Mordecai, Ananias, the boy with the five loaves and two small fish, Priscilla and Aquila, and Barnabas are all examples of countless numbers of believers whose love for God, obedience, and willingness to be used by Him impacted people for eternity. Truly, every believer matters!

I am so thankful that the Lord allows each of us to have a part in His great salvation equation.  We are each to interact with unbelievers, show them the love of Christ, tell them the truth of the Gospel and then allow the Holy Spirit to take over. He will convict and convince and lead people to Jesus. While we praise the Lord for churches of all sizes and the different roles of leaders in the church, we know that the Great Commission will be fulfilled exponentially quicker as each believer shares his or her faith with others. The cliché is true that “each one wins one.”

Every believer can share God’s love with those who are in his or her sphere of influence. While those gifted in speaking and motivating in front of a crowd are definitely needed in the Kingdom, the Lord also uses people who model the love of Christ and share their faith, day after day after day. They share Christ to their spouse, their family, their friends, their co-workers, and to everyone they encounter in the course of their daily life.

Today, I want to honor such a person whose Christian name is “Pearl.” Pearl was a Chinese woman who loved Jesus dearly and wanted to use her time and her life experience to bless others. She became a Network211 1-2-1 Connector for the Chinese language and began responding to individuals who wrote to us. She answered people who were hurting due to life issues, people who were searching for meaning in life, and people who were wondering who Jesus is. Day after day and year after year, she answered faithfully those Inquirers who were placed in her team queue. In January 2018, Network211 honored Pearl for responding to her 2,000th Inquirer!

While she was faithfully sharing God’s love online, she was facing a personal battle against cancer. We prayed for her healing and rejoiced when the cancer went into remission. However, it returned and ultimately took her life shortly after we honored her for her milestone. I believe that as Pearl entered heaven, she was met by the Lord. In my mind, He smiled on her and said, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

I do not know anything about Pearl’s life before she served with Network211 as a 1-2-1 Connector but I do know this, she finished well.  Her life inspires us as a Network211 team and also as individuals who feel compelled by the love of Christ to share the Good News around the world.

Herman, Otto, Kristy, Noel, Roberto, Isabel, Elida, Arulraj, Ching, and Michael are names of some of the Network211 1-2-1 Connectors. They are located around the world and form a true network of believers who pray, interact with seekers about Jesus, and direct these inquirers to local churches. They will never meet each other but they are united in their love for Christ, their desire to serve Him, a passion for the lost, and a willingness to do their part for His glory.

My Dad, Dr. George M. Flattery, who founded Network211 and ICI University (Global University) is now eighty-two years old. He serves as a 1-2-1 Connector faithfully, daily, and with sincerity of heart. His goal is to reply to someone from every nation in the world in this season of his life. He is actively and effectively living the Network211 vision statement that he created which includes to “proclaim Christ to all people.”

When the final scorecard is tallied in heaven and the Lord considers all the “runs on the board,” the true heroes, the Superstars, will be those individuals who said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8b). They were faithful to serve, to share, and to love others … day after day.

Indeed, every believer matters!




Dr. Mark Flattery

Network211 President