He Has Risen!
Dear Friends:
“He has Risen!” (Matthew 28:6).
As we prepare to focus on the true meaning of Easter, we are reminded of God’s love for us by sending His One and only Son, the Son’s love for the Father expressed by being obedient in life and even death on a cross, and Christ’s love for us as seen in His life, death, and resurrection. We take time in our busy calendar year and pause to reflect prayerfully on who Jesus is and what He means to us.
This should be a season of personal realignment. We should take time to adjust our heart’s affection and our mind’s attention to the One who gave His all for us. We should respond to Divine love by loving God and loving others (Matthew 22:37-40). As we attend our Good Friday meeting and our Sunday services, we must purpose to focus our lives and our interactions with others based on our relationship with Jesus Christ. As we interact with believers, we must deny the temptation to consider our external differences and instead be laser-focused on the One whom we have in common. Our love for Christ must dictate our thoughts and actions.
As we interact with non-believers, we must exude the love of Christ. They need to know that they are loved, valued, have belonging, and have purpose in life. We know the One who is the “way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). What an amazing opportunity we have to connect individuals with Jesus!
As I read comments sent to us from individuals in the nations of the world, I am deeply saddened by their great need. At the same time, I rejoice that I can share the love of Christ with them and give them true hope and help. They are searching diligently online for answers. We connect them to Jesus! Here are some examples:
- A woman in Kenya viewed WhoJesusIs.com and wrote, “I need Jesus in my life. how do I find him? How do I keep him?”
- A man in Sierra Leone viewed WhoJesusIs.com and wrote, “I need help from Jesus life is becoming very frustrating. I feel like committing suicide.”
- A woman in Nigeria viewed our JourneyAnswers “Anxiety” life issue and wrote, “Please help me. I’m trying to get right with God, what worries me is that I’ll miss my old friends and old life and I won’t be able to let go. How do i overcome that? I also feel I’ll be secluded and castigated, I need so much strength. How do I do this? Please guide me”
- A woman in Slovakia viewed our new JourneyWorship on JourneyOnline.org and wrote, “Jesus, please live in my heart, I will follow you, You are my Lord and Savior, I give my life to you, Amen. I agree with You. Thank You Jesus. I worship you.”
They were overwhelmed by the thief who “comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10a). But, with your partnership, we share the message of Jesus Christ. “I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10b). This weekend, they will have a greater understanding of the meaning of Easter. This is because at their point of need, they heard the message of the love of Christ and responded by repenting and turning to Him. They encountered Jesus. And they were transformed.
Network211 is equipped to proclaim the Good News because of partners like you! Your faithful and generous prayer and financial support empowers us and fuels us to attempt even “greater things” for God!
We are thrilled to upload the Center for Holy Lands Studies (www.theCHLS.org) new video series called, “The Last Week of Jesus.” You can view it at JourneyOnline.org’s JourneyTalks at: https://journeyonline.org/category/journeytalks/the-last-week-of-jesus/. I know that it will be an encouragement and blessing to you this Easter season.
He has risen, indeed!
Dr. Mark Flattery
Network211 President