

I Can’t See No End to This

Dear Friends:

It is our pleasure and honor to interact with individuals from the nations of the world and journey with them as we tell them about Jesus. As you read the comments sent to us, it does not take long to learn how distressed people are and how many have lost hope. They were so desperate that they searched online for someone … anyone … to give them hope. They found our site and wrote to us. All they knew about us was the message they received from our website. And yet, there was something about the message that enticed them to write and share the matters of their hearts.

An example of this comes from a woman in a Central European nation. She wrote,

“Please pray for my baby. That he as a good, healthy life that he deserves, because he couldn’t have worst parents than us. Pray for me, that I can see the way how to get us out of this financial struggle. Pray for his father, that he can see God as well and he can be recovered from drug addiction. Pray for us please. I can’t see no end to this.”

In fact, would you stop and pray for her right now? Would you pray as if she was your daughter, your daughter-in-law, or your granddaughter? Can you remember the time in your life when you uttered these same words and pray now as you prayed then?

Prayer matters. Prayer matters so much that our Savior is interceding for us right now before the Father. Prayer makes a difference. When people consider themselves as completely hopeless then they are in a dangerous place. But, Jesus is there! Jesus is there to bring healing, purpose, transformation, love, and hope.

Your faithful prayer and financial support empower us to present the love of Jesus Christ and to journey with people to healing and hope. Even people who at this moment, “can’t see no end to this.” As we travel alongside them in their life journey, we can direct them from “Searches to Churches!” and help them connect with the family of God.

It is because of your partnership that we can proclaim Jesus and see lives transformed for eternity. May the Lord increase our ability to bring hope to even more people in the nations of the world!


Dr. Mark Flattery
Network211 President