

Network 211 Day!

Dear Friends:

Happy New Year! I think that our opinion of the phrase, “hindsight is 2020” is altered forever! A new year brings new opportunities!

Despite the global pandemic, 2020 was actually a record setting year for Network211! We praise the Lord that more individuals wrote to us to begin a discipleship connection than in any calendar year previously! Our new record for discipleship connections is now 39, 577! Praise the Lord! They are people who searched the Internet for an answer, engaged our online Gospel presentation, made an evangelism response, and then wrote to us. We are honored and humbled to join them in their spiritual journey and lead them to Jesus.

While Network211 has the goal to present the Gospel to 100 million people (Project 100Million), we are all about the “one”; the individual. Individuals are searching online, when they write to us they receive a personal response from an individual believer, and then are directed to a local church. We want to proclaim Christ to every one!

Individuals around the world are turning to the Internet in record numbers to find help, hope, and rescue. COVID is sequestering people around the world and thus, Internet usage becomes a source of refuge for many. Here are some examples:

  • A woman in India wrote, “I have many problems in my life please help me jesus i am alone please help me” Loneliness and isolation leads to depression and loss of hope. We responded with Scriptures and words of encouragement.
  • A man from the USA with an issue about eternity wrote, “Was thinking about death about what happens when I die if there’s a heaven and hell I’m scared to die.” We shared with him about how Jesus Christ will bring life and hope.
  • A woman from Benin, “Pray that I can get out of depression.” We shared with her how Jesus will journey with her and transform her life.

This inspires me to ask the Lord to direct Network211 and our partners to attempt even more to “proclaim Christ to all people!” With this in mind, I ask that you join me for an inaugural event online that I will called, “Network211 Day.”

Will you join me on Thursday February 11th … 2/11 … 211 … and pray with me? I will ask the Network211 team to take lunch time on that day to fast and pray for our Internet global evangelism outreach. We want to reach more people with the Gospel in ’21! So, will you take just five minutes during your lunch time on February 11th and ask the Lord of the Harvest to allow Network211 to touch the lives of more people in 2021?

Will you take one more step and invest personally for this special day? As every $1 helps us now to present the Good News to 25 individuals, your $20 gift on Network211 Day will make 500 Gospel presentations. Following our current statistics, then 5% will click and evangelism response button (that is 25 people) and 1% will write to us to begin a discipleship connection (that is five individuals).

So, on February 11, 2021 please join me in prayer during lunch … just five minutes! … and donate at

You are invested in this ministry already and we are very appreciative and humbled. I am requesting your involvement one more time, above what you are doing already, as a means of reaching the lost but also to encourage others to join us in the journey to fulfill Project 100Million.

May the Lord make 2021 the greatest year ever for Internet global evangelism!




Dr. Mark Flattery

Network211 President