Opportunity is Knocking
Dear Friends:
When you learn of an opportunity is your initial inclination to say, “Tell me more!” or to be skeptical and hesitant? Some people are early adopters and jump at the opportunity to try anything new and innovative. Other folks are slower to respond and must consider exactly what the opportunity is and the context in which that opportunity arises.
It reminds me of the old story of two shoe salesmen who exited their boat in a third-world nation and surveyed the people as they walked by. One wrote the home office and said, “There is no market here. No one wears shoes!” Meanwhile, the other shoe salesman wrote back excitedly and said, “We are going to be rich! No one wears shoes!”
I want to share with you two amazing opportunities to reach people with the love of Jesus Christ. The opportunities are in Japan and New Zealand. Some will say that both nations are too difficult to reach people because they are either entrenched in another religion or they have spiritual apathy. But, we know that the power of the Holy Spirit will transform even the hardest of hearts and change them for eternity.
In Japan, Network211 is partnering with our AGWM missionaries to meet individuals at their point of need, share Christ, and connect them to a local church. Lord willing, we plan to target four cities in this great nation and connect people to upcoming AG church plants. We estimate that $15,000 will cover the cost of one year of Internet evangelism. Some say that the people of Japan are too entrenched in their religion and that Christianity will not have a chance. We say that we must present the Truth of the Gospel and allow the Holy Spirit to transform lives.
The second opportunity is in New Zealand. Network211 is partnering with AGWM missionaries Nathan and Lisa Turney with a targeted campaign to focus on the northern suburbs of Auckland. This area is inhabited mainly by Islanders of other nations. Like Japan, we are asking the Lord for $15,000 to cover the cost of one year of Internet evangelism. Some say this area is too difficult because the people are spiritually apathetic. We know that when you meet people at their point of need with the love of Christ that the power of the Holy Spirit will bring healing, wholeness, and transformation.
Opportunities need partnerships! Will you partner with our endeavors in Japan or in New Zealand? Please go to www.Network211.com/give, type in your giving amount, click “Give This Amount” and then find either New Zealand or Japan in the “Designation” drop-down menu.
Is your church looking to partner with an AG church overseas? Both Japan and New Zealand offer tremendous opportunities to join church plants and take new territory for the Kingdom.
Opportunity is knocking! How will you respond?
Dr. Mark Flattery
Network211 President